We know about famous people because they are – well – famous! We read, watch, listen and maybe even have an opportunity to meet them. However, we never hear much about their parents. Everybody is familiar with, or knows something about Abraham Lincoln. But, I’ll bet you don’t know who his father was?

There are reams of parents names, lost in the dark recesses of the bin of forgotten oldies, whose children go on to celebrity and historically-documented fame: Leonardo Da Vinci, William Shakespeare.

He gets all the credit for
assigning these words to Jesus. He’s also
celebrated in history as The Baptizer, the one who started the Jordan River
thing. He wore weird hippie-clothes and ate wild honey, but do you know who his
father was? No respect - no props!
But we may shed some light on the subject this
Sunday as we continue The Light Of The World Advent Sermon Series.
You’ll want to pay attention to what John’s
father had to say. It has already changed
your life, but there is more and it has to do with our fathers DNA! Come worship with us this sunday and we will shed some light on the subject!