If you
watch Animal Planet, you may have come across a sci-fi/reality research program
called Finding Bigfoot. The aim of the show is to present factual
data – proof - that Bigfoot exist. That
Bigfoot and is alive and recognizably active.
The show is an offshoot of The Bigfoot Field Researches Organization or
The overall
mission of the BFRO is self-defined as a “multifaceted, but the organization
essentially seeks to resolve the mystery surrounding the Bigfoot phenomenon —
that is, to derive conclusive documentation of the species' existence. This
goal is pursued through the proactive collection of empirical data and physical
evidence from the field and by means of activities designed to promote an
awareness and understanding of the nature and origin of the evidence.”

These are the foundational questions about God to which most of us would really like some hard, practical answers. Or as the BFRO might say, “to present factual data - proof,” that the rescuer God exist and is alive and active. So, how do we know? This Fall at Markham Woods Presbyterian Church, we will begin a new sermon series, where we will explore these ultimate questions about God’s real activity in our lives.