Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Does God Work In Mysterious Ways?

“God works in Mysterious ways” sound good, even spiritual.  It’s great because it gives us a way to explain the unexplained or the incomprehensible.

In our humanness, it's also is a way to cover or soften our own doubt and fear when life happens in undesirable ways - “Oh, I know it was devastating to you, but, God works in mysterious…” 

Of course, it can also be a way sideways method of given God credit when something really-good, or unexpectedly-good happens.  So, is God really all that mysterious?  

The simple answer is a socking no!  We know more about God and God’s purpose in this world than just about anything else mankind can “discover.” 

The acts of God in our world are the most documented, commented on, studied and followed than any other topic.  

So, why do we purport that God works in “mysterious ways?”  It’s actually funny because that statement itself does not even occur in the Bible!

This week we will continue our new series on Phantom Biblical Passages by exploring a classic – God works in mysterious ways.  Well, does He or doesn’t He?  

He’s a hint.  In large part, phantom wisdom that “God works in mysterious ways” is to deny the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We call Him Yeshua, the Messiah.