you ever felt like a round peg trying to fit in a square hole? As far back as I can remember, I have definitely
felt this way. It’s a bit disconcerting
because deep down, I think everyone has a desire to fit it – you know, find our
place in the world where we do belong.
like we are Cinderellas waiting for the prince to offer us to try on the glass
slipper. And, when “it” happens, the two
matching shapes will fit and
everything will be happily ever after!
often, we are just in the long line of those who try hard to squeeze their foot
into the unique shape so we can
receive the reward. Unfortunately, just like
the movie, it only fits “the one,” so we feel rejected! And, to make matters worse, in often looks as if
many around us give the outward appearance that they do fit in. This only has the effect of making us feel
even more isolated, weird or somehow defective as a human beings. Resonating yet?
comes the squeeze – trying for press ourselves into someone else’s mold or
shape. Usually, this means getting a
hammer and just banging and beating on ourselves to make a forced-fit. And, if we still don’t fit, we just get a
bigger hammer! Hence the phrase “beat up
by life.”
was God thinking when he made us? Well,
actually he was creating a perfect fit.
Did you know our brains were designed to operate by making perfect fits? Neurons fire exact shapes that find their
place in an exact receptor. All other
shapes are rejected to ensure the perfect fit and function -- we think, act, live,
and love!
In other words, God made our
brains work on the principle of round pegs round holes, squares peg, square
holes – a perfect fit. It’s built into
us. We seek to fit in, to find the
perfectly shaped receptor, and we are relentlessly driven to find this match –
the place where we belong.
Sunday we will explore God’s perfect design and discover where we actually
belong – the place where our shape thrives. Here is a hint – God fits us!
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