Wednesday, March 5, 2014

If God Is So Good--Why Do I Feel So Bad?

Lenten Sermon Series 2014
“If God is so good, Why do I feel so bad?”
We are not the way we are suppose to be

For the next five weeks we will be tackling one of the most difficult concepts for the secular world to acknowledge and one of most often avoided subjects within the Christian faith.  Although it is essential in understanding the foundation of our faith, is the reason behind God’s loving activity as recorded in His word, and without a grasp on the subject we will never fully understand and appreciate Jesus’ actions on the cross – we just can’t stand to hear about the “S” word -- sin.

To better understand sin is to better understand our world and ourselves – in essence, make sense of things.  For the purposes of clarity, we need to understand sin apart from Bible-thumping, fire and brimstone-slinging, finger-pointing caricatures of the faith.  To do so will remove uncomfortability and blame, and replace them with a question -- why?  

Why do we sin and what is it really?  

Further, beyond the breaking of codified laws, what does sin really do to us, to our family, our friends, and our relationship with God. And in the end, we will discover the truth; that although we are not the way we are supposed to be, there is hope.

As we explore the politically incorrect “S-word” we come to see sin as:

March 9,      Part I - “The most politically incorrect word”
March 16,     Part II – “A parasite with a failure to launch ever”
March 23,     Part II – “An ego-separator with bad spiritual hygiene” 
March 30,     Part IV – “Aiming at the foolish targets and still missing”
April 6,         Part V – “Phantom wisdom that is never right”

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