Thursday, March 20, 2014

This week, we continue with part III of our Lenten Series “If God Is So Good, Why Do I Feel So Bad? – We Are Not The Way We Are Supposed To Be!”  No more ticks this week as Pastor Karen will be giving the next message in the series which looks at the idea of sin as a “Lack of Spiritual Hygiene.” 
So for this week’s “Sermon Extra” I would like to share with you an invitation to something that may actually change your thinking and feeling about Jesus.  Many of you followed along with us in the last series “WWRJD?” or, “What would Rabbi Jesus Do?”  The content of those messages added a depth and richness to our understanding of who Jesus is, how he taught, and what His message really meant.  All of those concepts and idioms come together in on meal – the Seder.
On Wednesday, April 2, during our Lenten dinner & devotion series, we will actually participate in a dinner with Jesus – A Seder with the Savior.  Rev. Israel Cohen will lead us in a participatory presentation of “Messiah in the Passover.”   Israel was with us six years ago and deeply changed - in a significant way -my understanding of Jesus as Messiah.  If you attend, I can promise you will never see the Last Supper (Passover), Communion or Easter the same. 
We gather at 6:00 in our fellowship hall for dinner and then the Seder with Jesus in the Passover!  Please call the church office 407-333-2030 for detail and to rsvp.

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